Faith You Can Trust!
What is faith? Hebrews 11:1, tells us, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” When you read your Bible, let’s face it; it takes a lot of faith to believe in what it teaches. Much of what the Bible teaches about events in history, such as, Noah and the flood, Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, Elijah the prophet being taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire, are hard to fathom.
I can go on-and-on and reference events from the Bible, which it claims are true, yet they are hard for us to believe. Why? Because man just does not know God! Plain and simple. We are so far removed from God as a people, we are not able to see these events as fact. Many of the Bible’s historic stories are written in a fairytale form, as though they were just some stories with a moral ending.
But, they are more than just stories or a bunch of fairytales; they are historic events that when we put our faith in them, they can change our lives dramatically. What do I mean by putting our faith in them? I am not talking about human faith, but a true faith; a godly faith, a faith that God tests.
Just as Hebrews 11:1, says, that we should be sure of the hope that the Bible presents for us, and be certain of those things we cannot understand or see. This is not an easy thing to do; especially for human beings who only know how to discern things in this life through our physical five senses of taste, touch, smell, feel, and hear.
Given something spiritual to comprehend and we are lost. Why? Because since the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve transgressed against God’s perfect Law, we became separated from Him and became imperfect and corrupted with the ways of the world, or Satan’s way. And that way is away from God.
Jesus talks a lot about faith and the lack thereof. He also talks of faith that has the ability to heal and restore life. When His disciples fell short of His expectations for them, He would say to them often, “You of little faith.” But, in instances where people showed strong belief that Jesus is from God, no matter how hard is is for us to fathom, Jesus would respond as He did to a woman in Matthew 15:28, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.”
Jesus also alluded to the fact that it wasn’t the amount of faith, rather it was the quality of that faith that was important. In Matthew 17:20, He referred to an amount of faith the size of a mustard seed that could move a mountain. You see, worldly faith or human faith is not true faith at all; but a faith that comes when we relinquish all the worldly faith and tell God, “I believe you, even though I don’t see. That’s godly faith! I put all my hope in you even though the world is asking the question, ‘how can you be sure?’”
If you’ve ever asked that question or even if you are contemplating it right at this moment, you can trust the faith the God speaks of in the Bible. If you want to read more about the kind of faith that can move mountains in your life; I’ve written a study that delves into that subject, to read just click here.
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