Thursday, January 17, 2008

Time to Stop Blaming God...

It’s amazing to me how many people when things are going good in their lives, rarely do they give God the credit for it, but as soon as trouble comes along, the first one to get the blame is God. Even worse, there are ministers out there telling people it’s O.K. to get angry with God. This just boggles my mind.

I am really not sure how they rationalize that, but just read the last few chapters of the Book of Job and then tell me that it is O.K. to be angry at God. God scolded Job for his self-righteous attitude, and this was before God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to the Cross for us.

Now, even more so, we should not be getting angry with God. Through Jesus’ sacrifice the penalty of our sin has been waved, our sentence pardoned. We have become heirs to the Kingdom of God. By accepting Jesus’ sacrifice we are assured of living in the Kingdom of God for all eternity.

The book of Job starts out with Job being tested by God; God allows Satan to attack everything Job had, but God forbid him to touch Job physically. Not only did Job lose all his livestock in this first test, but he also lost his sons and daugthers.

God allowed Satan to go and test Job a second time, but this time he was allowed to physically attack Job with painful sores all over his body. Job still held fast to his righteousness, which was not selfish as of yet. Even Jobs wife wanted Job to curse God; how did job respond? The way we should all respond when trials and sufferings abound; he said in Job 2:10, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?

Up to this point, Scripture tells us Job has not sinned yet in his response to these tests, but that would all change as we move on when Job begins to grumble about God and how he deserved better because he was a righteous man. Sounds a lot like what many of us go through when a series of trials begin to attack us. At first we may hold fast to our faith, but as those trials begin to become relentless, we turn to an attitude of the “Why me?” syndrome.

We begin to justify how we don’t deserve what’s befalling us, and we throw ourselves a little pity party, and the only ones who are invited are us; the innocent victims of God’s wrath. But ironically, when we go through bouts of trials throughout our lifetime, many don’t realize that those trials are not from God. The fiery darts (trials) that come your way, are that of Satan, not God (Ephesians 6:16).

Oh sure, God allows Satan to attack you, but who was the one who created Satan? Many believe it was God. God did not create Satan, He created Lucifer, the guardian cherub. Mankind created Satan when he allowed Satan to deceive him into sinning against God; and we continue to allow this deception in our lives everyday.

Whatever trials befall us, whether it’s sickness or disease, death of a sibling, loss of job, whatever it may be, we only have ourselves to blame, not God. God did everything in His power, short of breaking His own Law, to try and persuade us to not sin. The whole premise of the Old Testament was about that. Since man would not heed God’s plea to them, God instituted plan B; which was the first coming of Jesus Christ to begin the redemption process for mankind.

So, the next time a trial comes into your life, try to remember why that trial is there in the first place. It’s there because we, through sin, have separated God from His creation. This separation left a spiritual void which Satan easily vacated. By allowing Satan to enter our lives through sin, we gave authority over to him; authority to create havoc in our lives and our world, which God gave us dominion over, but we gave up that dominion via sin.

As hard as it may be to do so during any trial we face, if you look upon Jesus, and get to know Him, and build an intimate, loving relationship with Him, the trials you face will be a lot easier to cope with. If you stand firm on the Words of Jesus Christ, there will be no trial to difficult for you to overcome. Praise Jesus!


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